UACB accepts applications for accreditation from Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) around the world. The general steps that apply to UACB accreditation are outlined below.
Enquiry and Application forms are publicly available documents which can either be download from or collect from UACB office. Fill forms along with required information and all the supporting documents should be submitted to UACB. The first stage of the accreditation process is for the CAB to complete and return their application, including relevant documentation requested within the application form, along with payment. Application fees are non- refundable. Applicants will be acknowledged further information/clarifications will be requested if necessary.
Application and supporting documents submitted by the Applicant body or CAB will be reviewed in order to verify compliance in accordance with the relevant Standard by a competent Lead Assessor appointed by UACB. Applicant body or CAB shall take necessary corrective actions on the deficiencies indicated in the report within specified time period.
Pre-assessment is conducted by Lead assessor /Assessment team in order to verify whether documented procedures are in place. UACB selects an assessment team who undertake an on-site assessment at the applicant's offices. The assessment team also witnesses the applicant's team undertaking assessment activity at their client's premises. At the completion of the assessments the assessment team writes a report of their findings along with recommendations. A detailed feedback report will be issued.
It is the final audit for the grant of accreditation. A team consisting of UACB assessor and/ technical experts will conduct the initial assessment. If accreditation is not approved, the applicant is advised of the reasons for the decision. A further application may be considered at a later date. Once an applicant is accredited regular visits are made to the CAB's offices to assess the CAB's ongoing compliance with the accreditation criteria. UACB also selects a sample of CAB auditors and inspectors for witnessing activities. A complete reassessment takes place every three years.
The Applicant body/CAB shall submit objective evidence for corrective actions taken. This is applicable to all stages where corrective actions are involved.
The assessment team will make a recommendation to Accreditation Approval Committee regarding Grant of accreditation.
If the Accreditation Approval Committee is satisfied with the recommendations of the assessment team, the applicant body/CAB will be granted accreditation with the approval.